5 Top Vegetables in Smoothies

Sesame Seeds

A smoothie with base ingredients like juice, yogurt, milk, and fruit is certain to benefit from a well-chosen selection of vegetables to boost the nutrient content. Certain vegetables are more effective at blending into a smoothie than others. Vegetables are versatile and can form part of a fruit inspired smoothie without altering the taste, or […]

6 Foods Highest in Glutamic Acid

Leafy Greens

Glutamic acids (or glutamate) is naturally sourced from a variety of foods; including high protect meat, eggs, dairy, and fish. This amino acid is beneficial to the body for its ability to produce proteins. Glutamic acid is the most abundant neurotransmitter that is found in the central nervous system. Supplementation of glutamate is rarely needed […]

10 Healthful Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Pile of Walnuts

Sourced from fish oil, the essential fatty acid known as Omega-3 offers a variety of benefits for the human health, including reduced body fat, reduced inflammation, and optimal immune health. Because our bodies aren’t able to make essential fatty acids it is critical to source omega-3 from a well-balanced diet. Also, omega-3 and omega-6 has […]

Flaxseed: What Are the 10 Reasons to Add Flaxseed to Your Diet?


Flaxseed is not only a perfect health protector, but is also a great source of fiber and protein. Here are ten health benefits related to flaxseed: 1 – Anti-cancer properties This seed is reported to help fight off certain cancers, including breast and colon. Flaxseed is rich in lignans, which are said to stop or […]

11 Health Benefits You Didn’t Know About Honey


From treating cuts and coughs to clearing up headaches and dandruff, the ever versatile honey is certain to provide a wide range of health benefits. Here are eleven of the health benefits that relate to the sweet tasting honey: 1 – Antibacterial, antifungal and antifungal Honey is naturally able to source antibacterial properties because the […]

9 Benefits of Eating Oatmeal for Breakfast


Whether oats are eaten with nutritious fruits in a bowl or in a smoothie, they are certain to offer the body a variety of healthful benefits. A great breakfast choice is oats to get the desired nutrients and fiber into the diet to ensure you get through the morning without wanting to indulge in unhealthy […]

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Mint Leaves

Mint Leaves

Mint comes with an invigorating scent and spicy taste that is certain to offer an attractive ingredient for tea, candy, or gum. Plus, it can also be eaten fresh. Fresh leaves provide nutrition and flavor to a wide range of recipes, while chewing directly on the leaves can present several healthful benefits. Here are six […]

5 Reasons to Drink Coffee Before a Workout

Coffee Beans & Sack

In addition to making us feel more alert, a cup of coffee in the morning also has the potential to achieve better results at the gym. Drinking coffee at the right time has the potential to cut the symptoms of fatigue, improves attention, and makes exercise feel easier. A beneficial intake of caffeine is 3 […]

Soy Milk: Positives and Negatives of Drinking Soy Milk

Soy Milk and Glass

Soy milk is a comparable substitute for those that aren’t keen on the taste of cow’s milk, lactose intolerant, or allergic to dairy. This milk often has a more favorable shelf-life and can even be stored at room temperature without problem. Plus, soy milk comes with a variety of nutritional benefits – although certain brands […]

Enzymes: 9 High-Enzyme Foods & Functions

Papayas Sliced

Enzymes are proteins in the body that can alter the way chemical reactions are handled. Digestive enzymes (breakdown and digests food) are a common type, although there are several different types of enzymes in the body. An enzyme-rich diet can help with increasing stamina and energy, improve skin health, support weight loss, and promote general […]