Soy Milk: Positives and Negatives of Drinking Soy Milk

Soy milk is a comparable substitute for those that aren’t keen on the taste of cow’s milk, lactose intolerant, or allergic to dairy.

Soy Milk and Glass

This milk often has a more favorable shelf-life and can even be stored at room temperature without problem. Plus, soy milk comes with a variety of nutritional benefits – although certain brands should be avoided because of the added sugar.


A regular drink or soy milk is certain to help increase the intake of calcium. This mineral is essential for maintaining the strong and dense bone tissue. A deficiency in calcium intake can cause the body to use the reserves in the bones which has the negative impact of lowering bone density. A 1 glass serving of soy milk has about 32% or 299 mg of the daily need for calcium.


Soy milk contains enough iron to ensure the blood vessels (red) are able to properly function which should ensure the body gets the required amount of oxygen. A serving of soy milk has about 8-12% of the daily recommended intake of this nutrient for adults.


A reliable source of high-quality protein is soy milk. This is easily added to the weekly diet and includes all 9 of the essential amino acids. A benefit of these amino acids is the ability to build proteins to help with producing energy, tissue structural proteins, and immune system function. A 1 cup serving of plain, unsweetened soy milk has about 7.2 grams of protein.

Riboflavin (B2)

Drink more soy milk to get a rich intake of riboflavin which is needed to produce cell energy, and protects the DNA from possible damage. A single glass serving of soy milk has about .55 mg of riboflavin which is equal to 38% of the recommended DV.

Vitamin B12

Soy milk has a high concentration of vitamin B12, which is helpful for its ability to keep the nerves healthy, aids in the function of red blood cells, and helps with DNA cell production. A 1 glass serving of soy milk has about 2.8 micrograms of this B vitamin, which is more than the recommended DV.

Soy allergies

While soy milk is healthful for most people, there is a chance of soy allergies in a small percentage of users. Plus, it might not be a practical choice for sufferers of breast cancer. Soy milk has chemical elements similar to estrogen that can have a negative impact on those that have recently had treatment for breast cancer.

Also, an issue with certain brands of soy milk is the high amount of sugar that is included in the product. A high amount of sugar added to the daily diet is certain to pose a risk of cardiovascular disease and increase the calorie intake. A preferred choice is the unsweetened brands that include minimal sugar (about 1 gram). Other brands with more sugar content and flavoring can have as much as 8-18 grams of sugar.


A common issue for first time drinkers of soy milk is the taste. It can take time to fully accept the bean inspired taste. If the plain soy milk isn’t to be enjoyed, there are often flavored choices, including chocolate and vanilla.

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