Flaxseed: What Are the 10 Reasons to Add Flaxseed to Your Diet?

Flaxseed is not only a perfect health protector, but is also a great source of fiber and protein.


Here are ten health benefits related to flaxseed:

1 – Anti-cancer properties

This seed is reported to help fight off certain cancers, including breast and colon. Flaxseed is rich in lignans, which are said to stop or slow the growth of the cancer cells.

2 – Bone health

Eating flaxseed is believed to help with slowing the rate of bone loss which is possible because of the high concentration of fatty acids.

3 – Digestive health

Flaxseed is high in fiber content which is needed to promote more regular bowel activity and avoid issues with constipation.

4 – Essential fatty acids

Flaxseed contains the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) at about 57%. Once ingested, the alpha-linoleic acid is transformed into a more efficient fatty acid known as eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaeonic (DHA) acids. The highest concentration of fatty acids comes in the flaxseed oils. A benefit of the essential fatty acids is the ability to decrease pro-inflammatory compounds.

5 – Fiber

Flaxseed is made of about 26% dietary fiber. A reliable benefit of this type of soluble fiber is the ability to minimize the risk of certain cancers and lower cholesterol, while insoluble fiber has the role of preventing problems with the digestive system.

6 – Increase immunity

Adding flaxseed to the diet is believed to help with relieving inflammation and relieve autoimmune disorders, such as lupus, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

7 – Lignans

The flax seed hulls contain the lignans which are plant chemicals that transform into estrogen in the digestion system. Suggested health benefits include alleviating the menopause symptoms, prevent heart disease, and avoid certain types of cancer. The lignans are only available from whole flaxseed. Plus, the flaxseed can go rancid if not stored correctly in an airtight container.

8 – Lower cholesterol

Flaxseed contains a high concentration of soluble fiber, which is able to benefit the body by reducing the cholesterol level, which slows the development of plaque. This buildup can result in clogged arteries that cause heart attack, stroke, or high blood pressure. Plus, fiber can help with lowering the blood sugar level to minimize the chance of diabetes (type 2).

9 – Nutrient-rich

Flaxseed is rich in plenty of vitamins and minerals including:

  • Manganese, magnesium & B vitamins
  • Fiber (insoluble & soluble)
  • Phytochemicals (including lignans)
  • Omega-3 fatty acids

10 – Weight loss

This seed is highly effective in controlling weight management with the flax expanding on ingesting. This means the stomach is left feeling a lot fuller. Eat flaxseeds a good 25-30 minutes before mealtime is certain to help with reducing the appetite.


In addition to the wide-ranging positive that comes from adding flax seeds to the diet, there are certain areas of concern. A major issue can relate to the potential laxative effect found with these seeds which can impact the health of patients with Crohn’s disease or similar conditions. Alternative options to flax seeds include fish oil, which has a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oils are usually seen as the most healthful option to up the intake of omega-3s.

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