11 Health Benefits You Didn’t Know About Honey


From treating cuts and coughs to clearing up headaches and dandruff, the ever versatile honey is certain to provide a wide range of health benefits. Here are eleven of the health benefits that relate to the sweet tasting honey: 1 – Antibacterial, antifungal and antifungal Honey is naturally able to source antibacterial properties because the […]

10 Naturally High Probiotic Foods to Add To the Diet

Probiotics Foods

Add in a varied mix of probiotics filled foods to help strengthen the immune system and improve digestion.  Below are ten of the foods that contain the gut-friendly bacteria: Yogurt A well recognized probiotics food is handmade, live-cultured yogurt. But avoid the yogurts with artificial flavors, sweeteners, and high fructose corn syrup, so make sure […]