9 Health Benefits of Supergrain Quinoa

Quinoa is a wheat-free alternative that offers complete protein and has seen a sharp increase in popularity in the last few years.

Quinoa Grains

This super grain is perfect for those on a weight loss program. A ¼ cup serving of quinoa (dry) has about 168 calories (12 from sugars, 24 from protein, and other amounts of healthy fats, fiber, and complex carbohydrates.)

Here are nine benefits of eating more quinoa:

1 – Alkaline

Even though quinoa is not regarded as highly alkaline forming, it can still be compared to sprout grains, amaranth, and wild rice.

2 – Antiseptic

Quinoa is regarded as an antiseptic because of the saponin content which is beneficial for treating skin injuries in certain regions of the world.

3 – Fiber

Quinoa is loaded with fiber and contains about 50% more than other grains on the market. The fiber content makes it a useful choice to help those suffering from constipation. Plus, quinoa is further able to benefit by reducing issues with diabetes and high blood pressure.

Fiber is needed to help lower the levels of glucose and cholesterol and might even help to minimize the risks of experiencing hemorrhoids. Also, fiber takes longer to break down, which should mean you are left feeling full for a longer period and less likely to indulge in unhealthy snacks throughout the course of the day.

4 – Gluten-free

Because quinoa isn’t related to grain or wheat it is gluten-free and therefore an acceptable food choice for those that need to eat a more restricted diet plan.

5 – Iron

A healthy intake of iron is needed to produce red blood cell and is critical for the formation of hemoglobin. Iron helps with transporting oxygen among cells while also supplying oxygen to muscles to ensure proper function. Plus, iron aids in proper brain function because this area of the body relies on nearly 20 percent of the oxygen. Other benefits of iron include energy metabolism, enzyme activity, regulation of body temperature, and neurotransmitter synthesis.

6 – Lysine

Eat quinoa to get a rich source of lysine, which is critical for the body’s ability to repair and grow tissue.

6 – Magnesium

Quinoa has a high concentration of magnesium, which is helpful in relaxing the blood vessels and has the benefit of alleviating headaches and promoting better blood sugar control to reduce type II diabetes. Plus, this mineral can help with the formation of healthy teeth and bones, energy production, detoxification; regulate body temperature, energy production, and transmission of nerve impulses,

7 – Manganese

This super grain contains a high concentration of the antioxidant manganese, which is able to stop free radicals from damaging red blood cells and ensures the mitochondria isn’t damage throughout energy production.

8 – Protein rich

Eat quinoa to get a food source that is protein-rich. This grain is packed with all 9 essential amino acids to give a complete array of protein to benefit the health.

9 – Riboflavin (B2)

Eating quinoa offers a perfect opportunity to get a higher intake of vitamin B2, which is needed to control energy metabolism with the muscle and brain cells. Also, it is useful for promoting better energy production within the cells.

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