5 Reasons Why Cantaloupe is Good for You

Cantaloupe is naturally grown in Asia and Africa. This fruit is appreciated for its tasty, juicy flavor and a popular ingredient or appetizer for salads or desserts.


Below are five health benefits associated with cantaloupe:


Eat cantaloupe to get a regular intake of folate, which is a B-vitamin micronutrient (water-soluble) and needed for the maintenance and growth of the body’s cells. Plus, this fruit is great for preventing anemia. A deficiency in folate can result in a higher risk of nerve or brain congenital defects in children and infants. Patients taking anticonvulsant drugs, alcoholics, and pregnant women can benefit from increasing the dietary intake of folate.


Cantaloupes are loaded with carotenoids which is the reddish, orange, or yellow pigmentation that is synthesized by plants. Eating this fruit on a regular basis is believed to help reduce the risk of certain cancers and cardiovascular disease. Preferred carotenoids like zeaxanthin and lutein are appreciated for eye health and vision. A particular benefit of these carotenoids is the ability to slow the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, which can cause the lens to cloud and cause blindness.

Vitamin C

Cantaloupe gives a pleasant intake of the water-soluble vitamin C. This nutrient is beneficial to help to promote healthy growth and repair body tissue. Plus, vitamin C is needed to help form collagen, which the body relies on to make blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, and skin tissue. Also, by acting as an antioxidant, this nutrient prevents the action of free radicals that can result in early aging.


An essential mineral like potassium is needed for a variety of processes that impact the human body. Cantaloupes contain a high amount of potassium and this plays a role in controlling blood pressure and heart and muscle contraction. This mineral also benefits the healthy function of the GI tract.

Vitamin A

The cantaloupe with it’s beta-carotene content offers a great source of vitamin A. A 1 cup serving of this fruit has 5872 IU (international units) of this nutrient, which surpasses the daily intake for adults. A reliable intake of vitamin A can help in a variety of health areas, such as developing a strong immune system, skin cell growth, functional retinas, bone maintenance, and healthy tissues. A deficiency in this nutrient can result in a fragile immune system and loss of vision.

Eating Tips

Buy the cantaloupes that aren’t too hard but have reached the stage of being firm. Avoid any of the fruit that starts to appear soft and yellowing. Pick those that feel heavy (full with juice) and provides musky and fragrant smell.

Wash the fruit before consumption under a running tap water. A firm-feeling cantaloupe can be left for several days at room temperature until it becomes juicier and soft. Any melons that have been cut should either be eaten straight away or stored in the refrigerator. But, try to eat the fruit when it is still fresh which is when it gives the best taste.

If planning to use cantaloupe as an ingredient in a smoothie, make sure to include the rind, seeds, and pulp for extra nutritional quality.

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